Saturday, August 31, 2013


Get Adobe Flash playerby Diana Lynn Z. Brao
Senior Scout, Outfit 435

In an unexpected day last August 30, 2013, we were told to welcome our visitors in the EVSU Executive House right across the campus. Scout Masters came. And we, of course welcomed them.

In our little way, while waiting for them, we practiced simple drills and even goofed off and had some little fun. When they arrived, we scrammed and formed. It was a bit funny, I gotta admit, but it was a big opportunity for us to meet and welcome them.

Thank God that we're guided. A job well done Scouts! Keep it up!


If They Smile, We Smile.
By: Jhed Villas
Senior Scout, Outfit 435

Last year, the Second One Visayas Jamboree didn't fail on bringing us a new experience with lots of learning in both skills and values. Strengthening friendship from all ranks, ages, gender and ethnicity and dissolving boundaries that causes avoidable misunderstandings.

The so called "Alay Boys" was born by the form of the former Outdoorsman Scout and also the former SCL Scouter Joel Hedrick Ty. The group was built so that the scouts from Tacloban City can show their values to other fellow scouts.

The scouting activities taught us things that must be applied through out our lives and must be passed down through generations.
Imagine a world of peace and unity, if you had a picture in your mind then that's the world scouting is aiming for - Peace and unity. Scouting is not all about being a good scout but a scout better than better which is the best scout.


Warm Welcome to Sir Manex Marta.
By: Bea Janica L. MeƱez 
Senior Scout, Outfit 435

Good morning Scouts and to everyone who's currently reading this article. 

When I joined scouting, I expected that they would take it seriously, because they wanted to be called our outfit as "Pugad ng Lawin" again. But then, I was wrong. You should enjoy what you're doing because you start a new start in your new school.

Being part of scouting is a really big opportunity for me, it teaches us on how to live in a simple life without those technologies. So, we, as the Senior Scouts of outfit 435, we should start what we have started and finish what we have started and together, we reach our goals. God bless everyone!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


by Marlon E. Lora
Scouting Coordinator, Outfit 435

Good day everyone, I wish to convey my greetings to the latest advance scouts of the Secondary Laboratory School, Outfit 435 who finished the 1st EVSU-SLS Advancement Camp, last August 16-17, 2013 at the EVSU Grounds. 

Special thanks also to the scouts counselor who served as support staff during the camp. Rest assured that we, your teachers would continue to give fun filled, values oriented activities needed as requirement for your advancement ranks.

 It is our hope that before the year end we will see another batch of Eagle Scouts flying from the SLS Department. 

Do your best and make a difference in the lives of all EVSU-SLS. For Gods honor and Glory! Happy scouting and see you in the next scouting Jamborette.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Senior Scout, Outfit 435

New scouts, new people to help the outfit and new friends! The 1st EVSU Advancement Camp for Senior Scouts was tiring but awesome even though it was held for only one and a half day.
There were many activities that were taught to the scouts,  like first aid, path finding, ecology, pioneering and team building. We counselors were also learning, confidence in teaching, learning other activities and many more.
                     ''Scouts on the job.''
This advancement camp was not only an advancement camp. It practices and teaches the members to be leaders so that if our respected SCL will leave us we have responsibilities to handle the outfit and sooner the scouts that is highly trained will be a leader someday.

''Loving their flags.''
  This Advancement Camp was very helpful not only for our outfit but for our personality. It taught us how to be responsible and how ''responsible'' is being explained that must be applied through out our lives and must be passed down through generations

We are thankful that our Advisor Sct. Marlon Lora and Sct. Bryan Gervacio planned to have this camp and we are proud because we are one of the very first scouts who joined this EVSU-SLS Advancment Camp for senior scouts.

"Building Again!"

Senior Scout, Outfit 435

Outfit 435 is an active BSP entity of Tacloban City Council. Located at Eastern Visayas State University. It aims to support the goals of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. 

Outfit 435 is manned by energetic and highly trained scouts, Sct. Marlon Lora and Sct. Bryan H. Gervacio, both instructors of EVSU-SLS. 

 The outfit had been spearheading scouting activities since its establishment in year 2004. It had trained boy scouts, senior scouts, and rover scouts. 

 Many years have come, The great senior crew leaders had graduated 4th year and say ''byebye'' to the outfit and gave his next responsible SCL the opportunity to handle and continue the aims and goals of the outfit. But dubiously, the performance of the scouts seems inappropriately like before. The scouts are not relevant to his/her rank and the scouts are spoiled. I, the writer is not saying that the SCL is not responsible enough, but honestly the scouts are lacking.

If we ourselves think, enjoy and understand the meaning of scouting, we can make a difference that we even in its hurtful sayings of the community, you will continue to respect the spirit of scouting and you will continue how imaginative your mind to suggests activities and things that you know what is scouting is all about. Remember a scout is ''brave''. 

Rebuilding cannot begin. Together, we can help clear the way, creating the possibility to bring back our Outfit called ''Pugad ng lawin'' meaning there were many highly trained scouts.

I may sound so optismistic, sound so hypocrite, or may even sound like a little voice in the wilderness, but soon, this voices echoed by these young men, and soon it will be heard. We will soon get the change we want. This may even appear as an Impossible Dream, but this is an Impossible Dream worth pursuing for.

Wanna bring back our outfit called ''pugad ng lawin''? That the community definitely will say that? So stand up! and be counted! Make your outfit, family and community proud.