Sunday, August 25, 2013


Senior Scout, Outfit 435

New scouts, new people to help the outfit and new friends! The 1st EVSU Advancement Camp for Senior Scouts was tiring but awesome even though it was held for only one and a half day.
There were many activities that were taught to the scouts,  like first aid, path finding, ecology, pioneering and team building. We counselors were also learning, confidence in teaching, learning other activities and many more.
                     ''Scouts on the job.''
This advancement camp was not only an advancement camp. It practices and teaches the members to be leaders so that if our respected SCL will leave us we have responsibilities to handle the outfit and sooner the scouts that is highly trained will be a leader someday.

''Loving their flags.''
  This Advancement Camp was very helpful not only for our outfit but for our personality. It taught us how to be responsible and how ''responsible'' is being explained that must be applied through out our lives and must be passed down through generations

We are thankful that our Advisor Sct. Marlon Lora and Sct. Bryan Gervacio planned to have this camp and we are proud because we are one of the very first scouts who joined this EVSU-SLS Advancment Camp for senior scouts.

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