By: Jionel ''Blaze'' C. Carlos
Crew Leader ''Tariktik Crew'', Outfit 435
A blessed day welcome to all Scouts and friends who's reading this article scattered all around the world. Early in the morning, September 15, 2013, The scouts from the Outfit 435 participated The 2nd I LOVE TACLOBAN FUN WALK.
This funwalk is not only a walk that like ''okay we're just walking''. This is a funwalk can help to save our nature, like the plastic bottles, these plastic bottles were the registration for the funwalk and if sold, the fund will be use to buy school supplies for the poor.
We're the only senior scouts who participated this event. We're greatly thankful for the weather, and the support of our brothers and sisters in the NSTP-CWTS EVSU.
Hope that we will participate again in the next simple activities of the Local Government of Tacloban.